Hello Friends! Aspen Talks Health presents Matt Shmigelski an energy consultant and transportation director at Cleer.
Want to partake in reducing transportation emissions?
Are you interested in electric cars but heard they are slow?
Would you enjoy never having to schedule another oil change?
Learn about how electric cars are getting faster and sexier with longer range.
And how some of the biggest energy suppliers are choosing renewables to charge them.
We can each reduce our emissions and support our local governments and corporations in doing the same.
The shift towards electric cars is here! Play this video and find out more!
Sending you healthy wishes!
Dr. Nicola
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Find out more about Cleer:
Website: https://cleanenergyeconomy.net/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/cleer.cleanenergy/
in: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clean-energy-economy-for-the-region/about/